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3 deñiştirme yapqan bir qullanıcı. Qullanıcı esabınıñ yaratılğan tarihı: 2017 s. martnıñ 2
2017 s. martnıñ 17
- 15:2215:22, 2017 s. martnıñ 17 farq keçmiş +14 k Apostolove (GR) File renamed: File:Apostolove s.gif → File:Coat of arms of Apostolove.gif File renaming criterion #4: To harmonize the file names of a set of images: so that only one part of all names differs.
2017 s. martnıñ 2
- 18:5818:58, 2017 s. martnıñ 2 farq keçmiş +2 k Lıman (GR) File renamed: File:Kr lyman gerb.png → File:Lyman city herb.png File renaming criterion #3: To correct obvious errors in file names, including misspelled [[c::en:Noun#Proper nouns and common nou...
- 18:5318:53, 2017 s. martnıñ 2 farq keçmiş +1 k Hrestivka (GR) File renamed: File:Flag of Kirovskoe.svg → File:Flag of Khrestivka.svg File renaming criterion #3: To correct obvious errors in file names, including misspelled [[c::en:Noun#Proper nouns and com...